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The importance of home inspection before buying

When you are in the market for a new home, there are so many things to consider that it will be easy to lose track of everything involved in buying a house. We can't stress enough the importance of a home inspection before buying. Once you have finally found your dream home, it's perfectly fine to get excited, but it's not time to let your guard down yet. Knowing what to expect when going into a new home can save you a lot of stress. You will be able to plan for future expenses for repairs and hopefully save money when purchasing the property by lowering the price.

We will outline the importance of a home inspection before buying a house in this article, but if you feel that you are at a loss what to do, contact us at, and we will connect you to a top real estate agent who will not only guide you through the process but also rebate you back 15% of their commission.

Make a checklist

Like with any big project, the key to success is proper planning. Most home inspections will reveal certain weak points in the property that you will need to address. Start planning ahead of time, and you will be able to map out a timeline for the home inspection and, more importantly, any additional repairs that might follow it. Our advice would be to hire a professional and to avoid doing the inspection yourself. You are bound to miss certain things that wouldn't slip by a professional, making it a worthwhile investment. Prices for home inspections can vary based on the property's location and size, but they usually go for several hundred dollars, and they will most often save you much more than that.

You can always ask one of our top agents for a recommendation since they have many contacts in all the relevant fields and will probably be able to secure you a good deal too. If you have planned correctly, all of the work will be done on time, and you will avoid any nasty surprises after you have already moved in. However, if you find that something is wrong after the relocation, you can always reach out to again to move out your possessions and allow for repairs.

Save money

Know what your ultimate goal is. It may seem obvious, but the idea is not just to find out what's wrong with a certain property because even newly built homes will have something lacking that can be exposed by a thorough inspection. Your goal at this point is to save money. You can use some of the issues brought up by the inspection as a good negotiating position to lower the purchasing price or get the seller to do some of the repairs. The negotiation process can be long, as both parties will try to get a good deal.

Repairs to the home are up to the seller, but instead of insisting that they handle everything, you might want to lower the purchasing price and tackle some of the issues yourself. By doing so, you will know that everything is done correctly, and you can also renovate to your liking. Another way to save money is to get a real estate commission discount, and you can use the money you save for work on the house after the purchase.

What is covered by an inspection?

An experienced inspector can perform his examination of the property within 3 hours. Although you will later get a detailed report, it is highly recommended that you are present during the survey. You will quickly realize the importance of a home inspection before buying since a professional can let you know of any problems they encounter as they go. By being there during the inspection, you can get a firsthand explanation and ask any questions.

Precisely what an inspector will check can vary by state, but there are detailed standards of practice that outline the required minimum. The most important things a home inspector will review are:

● Roof – damage to the roof or poor installation could lead to water damage to the house.

● Foundation – in most cases, the foundation is not visible, so inspectors will check for signs of settling like cracks in walls or floors.

● Exterior walls – cracks on the exterior walls could possibly be minor cosmetic issues, but a good inspector will point out the most severe problems.

● Plumbing – inspectors will check the overall water pressure and inspect faucets for leaks. In cases of old plumbing, a secondary inspection might be needed to check out the pipes.

● Electrical – all of the power outlets and the electrical panel need to be tested for safety issues.

● Fire safety – smoke detectors need to be functioning.

● Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) – insulation and ducting need to be efficient, asbestos insulation should be removed, and ovens, as well as AC units, need to be functioning properly.

What is not covered by a home inspection?

You need to be realistic that a home inspection can't reveal everything and that the inspectors conduct an examination based on visual cues. Most inspectors are not specialized for every single issue a home might have, but they could probably refer you to other specialists if you want to investigate any potential problem further. Additional or more thorough inspections will cost more, and if you are interested, you can ask your initial inspector for an estimate of what it would cost. Home inspectors do not check the following issues, although signs of some problems can be found while inspecting:

● Termites and other pests

● Inside of walls

● Inside of pipes and water lines

● Toxic mold

● Behind electrical panels

● Inside chimneys

When purchasing real estate, the importance of a home inspection before buying cannot be understated. An inspection could reveal significant issues on the property and let you opt-out of the purchase, thus avoiding a huge money sink. You can also save money by getting the seller to lower the price or having them do some of the repairs before you buy. If you work with the best Realtor, you can also look forward to additional savings from a real estate rebate, giving you more spending power for your dollar.

Written by: Lisa Roberts with US Moving Experts

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