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7 Things To Consider When Choosing A Realtor

Buying your first house, apartment or commercial property is a big step. And even if this isn't your first time, it is still something that will require your complete devotion. We are talking about a large amount of money, and investments such as this one are certanly not something any of us should play with. Focus, devote your time and energy to finding the best solution possible and make this whole process safe and smooth. There is no way around it. It will be stressful, it will cost you a lot of money, but – if you play your cards right, you will end up with the best deal possible. The same goes if you are planning on selling your property. You won't be investing your money, but you will want to get as much money as possible once you close the deal. That is why having the best professional on your team is so crucial. Your realtor should guide you through this process, get you informed and help you come to the best decisions you possibly can. Here are 7 things to consider when choosing a realtor (or a real estate agent).

Real estate agent ready to work


Even though the most educated realtor isn’t always the best one, you should definitely consider their credentials. Your realtor professional needs to be well-educated, licensed by the state, reliable and knowledgeable. Specialty trainings and further education always come in handy, and even though they will not guarantee you success, they will certainly bring you one step closer to it. Devoted agents and realtors who are serious about their careers will do everything that they can in order to further their education and expertise by attending seminars and getting certified.


It doesn’t really matter if you are planning on selling or buying a property, either way – we are talking about large amounts of money. And you will want this deal to go smoothly and without any trouble. You need to be focused and well informed before making any deals. And that is something a reputable agent (or realtor) will do for you. Reputable professionals aren’t out for their commission checks (at least that isn’t their sole goal). They care about their career, reputation and – their clients. These professionals will do everything that is in their power to help you as much as they can, provide you with the best experience possible and make sure you get what you were looking for.


Hiring a professional from another county might seem like a good idea. You got referred to them, or you found them online. No matter the reason or way you got their contact info, we advise you to think twice before hiring such a professional. Your best chance at getting the best deal possible is hiring a local agent. They know the real estate market in your area. They will also provide you with the most valuable insight that will help you make the right decision later on.

Local agents are also quite familiar with other realtors – they communicate and do business with them on a daily basis. This might seem like something that doesn’t really matter, but it is actually something that helps match buyers with sellers in no time. And you know what they say – time is money. And another bonus of hiring a local professional – meeting in person will be much easier. Talking to your agent over the phone is something that will happen either way, but having that eye-to-eye talk once in while is always a good idea.


Newspaper ads won’t cut it this time. It is a modern world out there, and in today’s world, as it is, most real estate journeys start online. Most sellers and buyers start their research on the Internet, and when it comes to real estate professionals – they need to be the same. The best possible option is if your agent is tech-savvy, knows how to use every tool at his or her disposal and by doing so is able to provide you with the best result possible.


We are all super busy. And so are real estate agents and realtors. However, you will want the person you hire to be available. Coordinating times and working busy schedules isn’t always simple, or easy, but – it is possible. The good news is that real estate professionals don’t usually work a nine to five schedule, and are almost always flexible. That is why you should look for an agent that is willing to meet with you day, night or weekends, depending on your needs. Dealing with real estate projects isn’t something that you’ll do during your lunch break, and you should definitely hire someone who is able to work with you.

Communication skills

This one seems quite obvious, but it is actually either a selling point for most people looking to hire an agent or is something that people don’t even take into consideration once they look up the agent they are interested in and they find their credentials, successful projects and sales. Communication skills are important. Real estate is all about negotiating and having a true professional by your side when trying to close a deal will help you achieve your goals (no matter if you are trying to buy or sell a property). Just like when trying to choose the best available assistance for your move, you need to consider every angle before making any final calls.

The extra mile

Is your real estate agent (or realtor) ready to go the extra mile in order to provide you with the best result possible? Try to find an answer to this question, and you’ll know if you've hired the right person for the job or not.

Author Bio:

Ana Crank is a world traveler, blogger, explorer and a full-time employee at Her area of expertise is everything real estate and moving-related, and her main goal behind writing is making sure that her readers find these articles informative and interesting.

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